Master Chief aus Halo
© Microsoft
Ein Boss in Darkest Dungeon 2
Ein Kampfteam aus vier Spieler:innen in Once Human
: : :

Xbox Game Pass – Titelübersicht: Alle verfügbaren Spiele im Juli 2024 in der Liste

Ob postapoka­lyp­tis­che Endzeit­spiele, Hor­rorgames oder Jump’n’Runs: Der Xbox Game Pass bietet Abonnent:innen eine große Zahl an spiel­baren Titeln. Damit Du nicht den Überblick ver­lierst, haben wir alle aktuellen Spiele aus dem Xbox Game Pass in ein­er Liste zusam­menge­tra­gen. Die Titelüber­sicht für den Game Pass Core find­est Du am Ende dieses Artikels.

Spiele nach Ablauf & Neuzugang sortiert: Diese Änderungen gibt es

Im Xbox Game Pass gibt es regelmäßig Neuzugänge, im gle­ichen Zuge ver­lassen zahlre­iche Spiele den Aboser­vice. Welche Änderun­gen Dich genau erwarten, erfährst Du in diesem Artikel.

Bis zu 1000 Mbit/s für Dein Zuhause im Vodafone Kabel-Glasfasernetz.

Xbox Game Pass – Spielekalender: Neuzugänge & Abgänge 2024

Hin­weis: Wir berück­sichti­gen in der Über­sicht alle bekan­nten neuen Games und zeigen Dir den jew­eili­gen Erschei­n­ung­ster­min im Game Pass – und über welche Plat­tform Du als Abonnent:in Zugriff auf die Spiele hast.

Neue Spiele im Xbox Game Pass

  • 16. Juli 2024: Mag­i­cal Del­i­ca­cy, Flock
  • 18. Juli 2024: Flint­lock: The Siege of Dawn, Dun­geons of Hin­ter­berg
  • 19. Juli 2024: Kunit­su-Gami: Path of the God­dess
  • 25. Juli 2024: Frost­punk 2
  • August 2024: Sopa
  • 5. Sep­tem­ber 2024: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
  • Drittes Quar­tal 2024: Dead Sta­t­ic Dri­ve
  • Zweite Jahreshälfte 2024: ARK 2
  • 2024: 33 Immor­tals, ARA His­to­ry Untold, Avowed, Boun­ty Star, Clock­work Rev­o­lu­tion, Com­man­dos Ori­gins, Ere­ban: Shad­ow Lega­cy, Ghost­bike, Microsoft Flight Sim­u­la­tor 2024, Pigeon Sim­u­la­tor, Replaced, Tower­borne, Vapor­world
  • 2025: Nir­vana Noir
  • TBA: Age of Mythol­o­gy: Retold, Atom­fall, Avowed, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Cit­i­zen Sleep­er 2: Star­ward Vec­tor, Clair Obscur: Expe­di­tion 33, DOOM: The Dark Ages, Fable, Gears of War: E-Day, Indi­ana Jones and the Great Cir­cle, Mix­tape: Noth­ing But the Hits, Per­fect Dark Reboot, She Dreams Else­where, South of Mid­night, State of Decay 3, The Chi­nese Room, Way to the Woods, Win­ter Bur­row, Wuchang: Fall­en Feath­ers

Das sind die Abgänge beim Xbox Game Pass im Juli 2024

31. Juli 2024 : Wird in Kürze bekan­nt gegeben.

Xbox Game Pass: Eine Liste aller Spiele von 0 bis 9 und A bis B

  • 33 Immor­tals (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • 7 Days to Die (Game Pre­view, PC)
  • Against the Storm (PC)
  • A Lit­tle To The Left
  • A Plague Tale: Requiem
  • A Short Hike
  • A Way Out (EA Play)
  • Aery - Vikings (Kon­sole)
  • Age of Empires – Defin­i­tive Edi­tion (PC)
  • Age of Empires II – Defin­i­tive Edi­tion (PC)
  • Age of Empires III: Defin­i­tive Edi­tion (PC)
  • Age of Empires IV (PC)
  • Age of Mythol­o­gy: Retold (tba)
  • Air­borne King­dom
  • Alice: Mad­ness Returns (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Amne­sia: The Bunker
  • Among Us
  • An Elder Scroll’s Leg­end: Bat­tle­spire
  • Anoth­er Crab’s Trea­sure
  • Anthem (EA Play)
  • Anuchard
  • ARA His­to­ry Untold (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Arcade Par­adise
  • ARK 2 (in der zweit­en Hälfte 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Ark: Sur­vival Ascend­ed (PC, Xbox Series X|S)
  • ARK Sur­vival Evolved: Explorer’s Edi­tion
  • ARK: Ulti­mate Sur­vivor Edi­tion
  • Arx Fatal­is
  • As Dusk Falls
  • Ash­es of the Sin­gu­lar­i­ty: Esca­la­tion (PC)
  • Assas­sins Creed: Odyssey
  • Assas­sins Creed: Ori­gins
  • Assas­sins Creed: Val­hal­la
  • Astroneer
  • Atom­fall (tba)
  • Atom­ic Heart
  • Avowed (tba)
  • Ban­jo Kazooie: S. l. (Kon­sole)
  • Ban­jo-Kazooie (Kon­sole)
  • Ban­jo-Tooie (Kon­sole)
  • Bat­man: Arkham Knight (Kon­sole)
  • Bat­tle­field 1: Rev­o­lu­tion (EA Play)
  • Bat­tle­field 3: Pre­mi­um Edi­tion (EA Play)
  • Bat­tle­field 4: Pre­mi­um Edi­tion (EA Play)
  • Bat­tle­field 5: Jahr 2 Edi­tion (EA Play)
  • Bat­tle­field Hard­line: Ulti­mate Edi­tion (EA Play)
  • Bat­tletech (PC)
  • Bat­tle­toads
  • Bea­con Pines
  • Before We Leave
  • Bejew­eled 2 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Bejew­eled 3 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Ben 10: Pow­er Trip
  • Black (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • BlazBlue: Cross Tag Bat­tle Spe­cial Edi­tion
  • Bleed­ing Edge
  • Blinx: The Time Sweep­er (Kon­sole)
  • Blood­stained: Rit­u­al of the Night
  • Bluey: The Videogame
  • Botany Manor
  • Boun­ty Star (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Bro­force For­ev­er
  • Bro­ken Age
  • Bro­ta­to
  • Broth­ers: A Tale of Two Sons
  • Brü­tal Leg­end
  • Burnout Par­adise Remas­tered (EA Play)
Bitte akzeptieren Sie die Nutzung von Drittanbieter-Einbindungen mit einem Klick auf den folgenden Button:

Die Spiele von C bis D

  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (tba)
  • Call of the Wild: The Angler
  • Cap­com Arcade 2nd Sta­di­um Bun­dle
  • Car Mechan­ic Sim­u­la­tor 2021
  • Cas­sette Beasts
  • Celeste
  • Chants of Sen­naar
  • Chival­ry 2
  • Cities: Sky­lines: Con­sole Remas­tered (Xbox Series X|S)
  • Cities: Sky­lines: Xbox One Edi­tion
  • Cities: Sky­lines: Win­dows 10 Edi­tion
  • Cities Sky­lines II (PC)
  • Cit­i­zen Sleep­er
  • Cit­i­zen Sleep­er 2 (für den Game Pass angekündigt, genaues Datum nicht bekan­nt)
  • Clair Obscur: Expe­di­tion 33 (tba)
  • Clock­work Rev­o­lu­tion (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Clone Drone in the Dan­ger Zone (Xbox Series X|S, Cloud und PC)
  • Close to the Sun
  • Cocoon
  • Com­mand & Con­quer: Remas­tered Col­lec­tion (PC)
  • Com­man­dos Ori­gins (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Conan Exiles (PC)
  • Con­trast (Kon­sole)
  • Con­trol Ulti­mate Edi­tion
  • Cook­ing Sim­u­la­tor
  • Coral Island
  • Com­mon’­hood
  • Cos­tume Quest (Kon­sole)
  • Cos­tume Quest 2 (Kon­sole)
  • Crack­down 3
  • Crick­et 24
  • Crim­son Skies: High Road to Revenge (Kon­sole)
  • Cross­fireX (Kon­sole)
  • Cru­sad­er Kings 3
  • Cry­sis (EA Play)
  • Cry­sis 2 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Cry­sis 2: Max­i­mum Edi­tion (EA Play, PC)
  • Cry­sis 3 (EA Play)
  • Dan­gan­ron­pa 2: Good­bye Despair Anniver­sary Edi­tion
  • Dante’s Infer­no (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Dark­est Dun­geon
  • Day of the Ten­ta­cle Remas­tered
  • DayZ (Kon­sole)
  • Dead by Day­light
  • Dead Cells
  • Dead Island 2 (Kon­sole)
  • Dead Space (EA Play)
  • Dead Space 2 (EA Play, PC)
  • Dead Space 3 (EA Play)
  • Dead Space Igni­tion (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Dead Sta­t­ic Dri­ve (im drit­ten Quar­tal 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Death’s Door
  • Deep Rock Galac­tic
  • Deper­son­al­iza­tion (PC)
  • Descen­ders
  • Despot’s Game
  • Dia­blo 4
  • Dicey Dun­geons
  • Die Sims 3: Starter-Set (EA Play, PC)
  • Die Sims 4 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Die Sims 4: Deluxe Par­ty Edi­tion (EA Play, PC)
  • Dirt 5
  • Dirt Ral­ly 2.0 (Kon­sole)
  • Dis­hon­ored 2
  • Dis­hon­ored Defin­i­tive Edi­tion
  • Dis­hon­ored: Der Tod des Out­siders
  • Dis­ney Dream­light Val­ley
  • Dis­ney­land Adven­tures
  • Dodge­ball Acad­e­mia
  • DOOM: The Dark Ages (tba)
  • Doom (1993)
  • Doom 2
  • Doom 3
  • Doom 64
  • Doom Eter­nal
  • Dor­dogne
  • Dou­ble Drag­on Neon (Kon­sole)
  • Drag­on Age 2 (EA Play)
  • Drag­on Age: Inqui­si­tion (EA Play)
  • Drag­on Age: Ori­gins (EA Play)
  • Dun­geon Keep­er (EA Play, PC)
  • Dun­geon Keep­er 2 (EA Play, PC)
  • Dun­geon of Hin­ter­berg (ab 19. Juli 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Dun­geons 4
  • Dyson Sphere Pro­gram (PC)

Die Spiele von E bis F

  • EA Sports FC 24 (EA Play)
  • EA Sports PGA Tour (EA Play, Xbox Series X|S)
  • Eiyu­den Chron­i­cle: Hun­dred Heroes
  • End­ing – Extinc­tion is For­ev­er
  • Ere­ban: Shad­ow Lega­cy (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Escape Acad­e­my
  • Europa Uni­ver­salis 4 (PC)
  • Ever­space 2 (PC, Xbox Series X|S)
  • Evil West
  • Exo­pri­mal
  • F1 19 (EA Play)
  • F1 22 Tri­al (EA Play)
  • F1 22 (EA Play)
  • F1 23 (EA Play)
  • F1 24 - Tri­al (EA Play)
  • F1 Man­ag­er 2023
  • Fable (tba)
  • Fable Anniver­sary (Kon­sole)
  • Fable II (Kon­sole)
  • Fable III (Kon­sole)
  • Fall­out (PC)
  • Fall­out 2 (PC)
  • Fall­out 3
  • Fall­out 4
  • Fall­out 76
  • Fall­out – New Vegas
  • Fall­out Tac­tics (PC)
  • Far Cry 5
  • Far Cry 6
  • Fe (EA Play)
  • Feed­ing Fren­zy (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Feed­ing Fren­zy 2 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • FIFA 21 (EA Play)
  • FIFA 23 (EU Play)
  • Fight Night Cham­pi­on (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Fig­ment
  • Fire­watch
  • Fire­work (PC)
  • Flint­lock: The Siege of Dawn (ab 18. Juli 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Flock
  • Foot­ball Man­ag­er 2024 (PC)
  • Foot­ball Man­ag­er 2024 Con­sole
  • For Hon­or: Stan­dard Edi­tion (Kon­sole)
  • For Hon­or: March­ing Fire
  • For­ager
  • Forza Hori­zon 4
  • Forza Hori­zon 5
  • Forza Motor­sport (Stan­dard Edi­tion)
  • Frog Detec­tive: The Entire Mys­tery (PC)
  • From Space
  • Frost­punk 2 (ab 25. Juli 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Frost­punk: Con­sole Edi­tion
  • Full Throt­tle Remas­tered
  • Fuzion Fren­zy (Kon­sole)
Bitte akzeptieren Sie die Nutzung von Drittanbieter-Einbindungen mit einem Klick auf den folgenden Button:

Die Spiele im Xbox Game Pass von G bis K

  • Galac­ti­care
  • Gang Beasts
  • Gears 5
  • Gears of War
  • Gears of War 2 (Kon­sole)
  • Gears of War 3 (Kon­sole)
  • Gears of War 4
  • Gears of War: E-Day (tba)
  • Gears of War: Judg­ment (Kon­sole)
  • Gears of War: Ulti­mate Edi­tion
  • Gears Tac­tics
  • Gen­er­a­tion Zero
  • Gen­e­sis Noir
  • Ghost­bike (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Ghost­Wire: Tokyo
  • Gloom and Doom (Kon­sole)
  • Go Mecha Ball
  • Goat Sim­u­la­tor
  • Goat Sim­u­la­tor 3 (Cloud, Kon­sole, Xbox Series X|S)
  • Gold­en­Eye 007
  • Golf with Your Friends
  • Gotham Knights (PC, Xbox Series X|S)
  • GRID Leg­ends
  • Grim Fan­dan­go
  • Gris
  • Ground­ed
  • Guilty Gear -Strive-
  • Halo 2: Anniver­sary (PC)
  • Halo 3 (PC)
  • Halo 3: Mas­ter Chief Edi­tion ODST (PC)
  • Halo 4 (PC)
  • Halo 5: Guardians (Kon­sole)
  • Halo Infi­nite
  • Halo Reach (PC)
  • Halo Wars 2
  • Halo Wars: Defin­i­tive Edi­tion
  • Halo: Com­bat Evolved (PC)
  • Halo: Spar­tan Assault
  • Halo: Spar­tan Strike (PC)
  • Halo: The Mas­ter Chief Col­lec­tion
  • Harold Hal­ibut
  • Hauntii
  • Have A Nice Death
  • Hazel Sky (Kon­sole)
  • Head­bangers Rythm Royale (Kon­sole)
  • Hearts of Iron IV (PC)
  • Heavy Weapon (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Hell Let Loose
  • Hell Pie (Kon­sole)
  • Hell­blade: Senua’s Sac­ri­fice
  • Hel­lo Neigh­bor 2
  • Her Sto­ry (PC)
  • Hi-Fi Rush
  • Hit­man Tril­o­gy
  • Hol­low Knight
  • Home­stead Arcana (Xbox Series X|S, PC)
  • Hot Wheels Unleashed – Tur­bocharged
  • House Flip­per
  • Human: Fall Flat
  • Human­i­ty
  • Humankind (PC)
  • Hyp­no­space Out­law
  • Immor­tals Fenyx Ris­ing
  • Immor­tal of Aveum (Xbox Series X|S, PC, EA Play)
  • Indi­ana Jones and the Great Cir­cle (tba)
  • Indi­vis­i­ble
  • Injus­tice 2
  • Inkuli­nati (Game Pre­view)
  • Inside
  • Insur­gency: Sand­storm
  • Ison­zo
  • It Takes Two
  • Jade Empire (PC)
  • Jour­ney to the Sav­age Plan­et
  • Joy Ride Tur­bo (Kon­sole)
  • Juras­sic World Evo­lu­tion 2
  • Jusant
  • Kameo (Kon­sole)
  • Kata­mari Dama­cy Reroll
  • Keplerth (PC)
  • Killer Instinct Defin­i­tive Edi­tion
  • Kona (Kon­sole)
  • Kona 2: Brume
  • Kunit­su-Gami: Path of the God­dess (ab 19. Juli 2024 ver­füg­bar)

Von L bis O

  • Land­wirtschafts-Sim­u­la­tor 22
  • Last Cell (PC)
  • LEGO 2K Dri­ve (Kon­sole)
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Sky­walk­er Saga
  • Let’s Build A Zoo
  • Lightyear Fron­tier
  • Like A Drag­on Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
  • Lies of P
  • Like A Drag­on: Ishin!
  • Lil Gator Game
  • Lim­bo
  • Lit­tle Kit­ty Big City
  • Lone­ly Moun­tains Down­hill
  • Loop Hero
  • Lords of the Fall­en (PC, Xbox Series X|S)
  • Lost In Ran­dom (EA Play)
  • Lumines Remas­tered
  • Mad­den NFL 23 (EA Play)
  • Mad­den NFL 24 (EA Play)
  • Mag­i­cal Del­i­ca­cy
  • Maneater
  • Manor Lords
  • Maque­tte (Kon­sole)
  • Mass Effect
  • Mass Effect 2 (EA Play)
  • Mass Effect 3 (EA Play)
  • Mass Effect: Androm­e­da (EA Play)
  • Mass Effect: Leg­endary Edi­tion (EA Play)
  • Mas­sive Chal­ice (Kon­sole, Cloud)
  • Max: The Curse of Broth­er­hood (Kon­sole)
  • McPix­el 3
  • Mech­War­rior 5: Mer­ce­nar­ies
  • Medal of Hon­or: Air­borne (EA Play)
  • Medieval Dynasty
  • Merge & Blade
  • Meine Fre­undin Pep­pa Wutz
  • Met­al: Hellsinger (Xbox One)
  • Microsoft Flight Sim­u­la­tor
  • Microsoft Flight Sim­u­la­tor 2024 (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Microsoft Flight Sim­u­la­tor 40th Anniver­sary Edi­tion
  • Microsoft Soli­taire Col­lec­tion (PC)
  • Minecraft
  • Minecraft Dun­geons
  • Minecraft Leg­ends
  • Mineko’s Night Mar­ket
  • Mirror’s Edge (EA Play)
  • Mirror’s Edge Cat­a­lyst (EA Play)
  • Mit­tel­erde: Schat­ten des Krieges
  • Mix­tape: Noth­ing But the Hits (tba)
  • MLB The Show 24 (Kon­sole)
  • Mon­ster Hunter Rise
  • Mon­ster Sanc­tu­ary
  • Moon­lighter
  • Moon­scars
  • Mor­tal Kom­bat 11
  • Mount & Blade II: Ban­ner­lord
  • Mov­ing Out 2
  • My Friend Pedro
  • My Time At Por­tia
  • My Time at San­drock
  • NBA Live 19 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Need for Speed (EA Play)
  • Need for Speed Heat (EA Play)
  • Need for Speed Hot Pur­suit Remas­tered (EA Play)
  • Need for Speed Most Want­ed (EA Play, PC)
  • Need for Speed Pay­back (EA Play)
  • Need for Speed Rivals (EA Play)
  • Need for Speed Unbound (EA Play)
  • Neon Abyss
  • Neon White
  • New Super Lucky’s Tale
  • NHL 23 Tri­al-Ver­sion (EA-Play)
  • NHL 24 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • NHL 94 Rewind (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Ni no Kuni II: Revenant King­dom – The Prince’s Edi­tion
  • Nick­elodeon All-Star Brawl 2
  • Nin­ja Gaiden Σ
  • Nin­ja Gaiden Σ2
  • Nin­ja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge
  • Nir­vana Noir (in der ersten Hälfte 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • No Man’s Sky
  • No More Heroes 3
  • Obliv­ion (Kon­sole)
  • Octopath Trav­el­er
  • Octopath Trav­el­er II
  • Off­world Trad­ing Com­pa­ny (PC)
  • Omno
  • Open Roads
  • Orcs Must Die! 3
  • Ori and the Blind For­est
  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  • Out­rid­ers
  • Over­cooked! 2
Bitte akzeptieren Sie die Nutzung von Drittanbieter-Einbindungen mit einem Klick auf den folgenden Button:

Die Spiele im Xbox Game Pass von P bis R

  • Pal­world
  • Par­ty Ani­mals
  • PAW PATRON Grand Prix
  • PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adven­ture Bay
  • PAW Patrol World
  • PAYDAY 3
  • Peg­gle (EA Play)
  • Peg­gle 2 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Peg­gle Nights (EA Play, PC)
  • Pen­ti­ment
  • Per­fect Dark
  • Per­fect Dark Reboot (tba)
  • Per­sona 3 Reload
  • Per­sona 5 Tac­tics
  • Pflanzen vs. Zom­bies (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Phoenix Point
  • Pigeon Sim­u­la­tor (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Pil­lars of Eter­ni­ty: Com­plete Edi­tion (Kon­sole)
  • Pil­lars of Eter­ni­ty: Hero Edi­tion (PC)
  • Pil­lars of Eter­ni­ty 2: Dead­fire – Ulti­mate Edi­tion
  • Plan­et of Lana
  • Plants vs. Zom­bies (EA Play)
  • Plants vs. Zom­bies Gar­den War­fare (EA Play)
  • Plants vs. Zom­bies Gar­den War­fare 2 (EA Play)
  • Plants vs. Zom­bies: Schlacht um Neigh­borville (EA Play)
  • Pla­te­Up!
  • Pop­u­lous (PC)
  • Pop­u­lous 2 (PC)
  • Pop­u­lous: The Begin­ning
  • Pow­er­Wash Sim­u­la­tor
  • Prey
  • Pri­ma­ry: Jet­pac Refu­elled (Kon­sole)
  • Pri­ma­ry: Per­fect Dark Zero (Kon­sole)
  • Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again x2
  • Prodeus (Game Pre­view, PC)
  • Psy­cho­nauts
  • Psy­cho­nauts 2
  • Quake
  • Quake 2 (PC)
  • Quan­tum Break (Kon­sole)
  • Rage (Kon­sole)
  • Rage 2
  • Rain­bow Bil­ly
  • Raji: An Ancient Epic
  • Rare Replay (Kon­sole)
  • ReCore
  • Red­fall
  • Rem­nant: From the Ash­es
  • Rem­nant II
  • Replaced (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Res­i­dent Evil 2
  • Res­i­dent Evil 3
  • Return to Grace
  • Return to Mon­ey Island
  • Rise of Nations (PC)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • Robin Hood - Sher­wood Builders (PC, Xbox Series S|X)
  • Robo­quest (Game Pre­view)
  • Roller­drome
  • Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends
  • Rush: Ein Dis­ney Pixar Aben­teuer
  • Ryse: Son of Rome (Kon­sole)

Die Spiele von S bis T im Game Pass

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl (im ersten Quar­tal 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • San­drock Online
  • Scorn
  • Scream­Ride (Kon­sole)
  • Sea of Soli­tude (EA Play)
  • Sea of Stars
  • Sea of Thieves
  • Seduc­tion: A Monk’s Fate (Kon­sole)
  • Senua’s Saga: Hell­blade II
  • Seri­ous Sam: Siber­ian May­hem
  • Sev­ered Steel
  • Shad­ow of the Tomb Raider Defin­i­tive Edi­tion
  • Shad­ow Run Tril­o­gy (beste­hend aus Return, Drag­on­fall – Direc­tors Cut & Hong Kong – Extend­ed Edi­tion)
  • Shad­ow War­rior 3: Defin­i­tive Edi­tion
  • She Dream’s Else­where (für Game Pass angekündigt, genaues Datum nicht bekan­nt)
  • Shen­zhen I/O
  • Sid Meier’s Alpha Cen­tau­ri Plan­e­tary Pack
  • Sim­C­i­ty: Com­plete Edi­tion (PC)
  • Sim­C­i­ty 2000 (PC)
  • Sim­C­i­ty 3000 Unlim­it­ed
  • Sim­C­i­ty 4 (PC)
  • Skate (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Skate 3 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Slay the Spire
  • Slime Ranch­er 2 (PC, Xbox Series X|S)
  • Sniper Elite 5
  • SnowRun­ner
  • Soc­cer Sto­ry
  • Somerville
  • Sopa (im August 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • South of Mid­night (tba)
  • Space Engi­neers
  • Spi­der­Heck
  • Spir­it of the North
  • Spirit­tea
  • Sponge­Bob Squarepants: Bat­tle for Biki­ni Bot­tom - Rehy­drat­ed
  • Spore (EA Play, PC)
  • SSX (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Stack­ing
  • Star Wars: Bat­tle­front (EA Play)
  • Star Wars: Bat­tle­front 2 (EA Play)
  • Star Wars Jedi: Fall­en Order (EA Play)
  • Star Wars Jedi: Sur­vivor (EA Play)
  • Star Wars: Squadrons (EA Play)
  • Star­bound (PC)
  • Stardew Val­ley
  • Starfield (Stan­dard Edi­tion)
  • Star­ward Vec­tor (für Game Pass angekündigt, genaues Datum nicht bekan­nt)
  • State of Decay (Kon­sole)
  • State of Decay 2 – Jug­ger­naut Edi­tion (PC)
  • State of Decay 3 (tba)
  • Steam­World Build
  • Steam­World Dig (Kon­sole)
  • Steam­World Dig 2
  • Stel­laris
  • Still Wakes the Deep
  • Sun­set Over­drive
  • Super Lucky’s Tale
  • Super Mega Base­ball 3 (EA Play)
  • Super Mega Base­ball 4 (EA Play)
  • Super­hot: Mind Con­trol Delete
  • Super­lim­i­nal
  • Tales of Arise
  • Tch­ja (PC, Xbox Series S | X)
  • Tech­ton­i­ca
  • Teenage Mutant Nin­ja Tur­tles: Shredder’s Revenge
  • Tell Me Why: Chap­ter 1-3
  • Ter­ra Invic­ta (PC, Game Pre­view)
  • Ter­raria (Kon­sole)
  • The Bard’s Tale Tril­o­gy
  • The Bard’s Tale IV: Director’s Cut
  • The Bard’s Tale Remas­tered and Resnarkled
  • The Big Con
  • The Cal­lis­to Pro­to­col
  • The Case of the Gold­en Idol
  • The Cave (Kon­sole)
  • The Chi­nese Room (für Game Pass angekündigt, genaues Datum nicht bekan­nt)
  • The Elder Scrolls III: Mor­rowind
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Obliv­ion (PC)
  • The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim – Spe­cial Edi­tion
  • The Elder Scrolls Adven­tures: Red­guard
  • The Elder Scrolls Online (Kon­sole)
  • The Evil With­in
  • The Evil With­in 2
  • The Gunk
  • The Lamp­lighters League
  • The Last Case of Bene­dict Fox
  • The Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom
  • The Out­er Worlds
  • The Quar­ry (Kon­sole)
  • The Sabo­teur (PC)
  • The Texas Chain Saw Mas­sacre
  • The Walk­ing Dead: A New Fron­tier
  • The Walk­ing Dead: Michonne: The Com­plete Sea­son
  • The Walk­ing Dead: Sea­son Two
  • The Walk­ing Dead: The Com­plete First Sea­son
  • The Walk­ing Dead: The Final Sea­son
  • The Wan­der­ing Vil­lage
  • The Yakuza Remas­tered Col­lec­tion
  • the­Hunter: Call of the Wild
  • Thirsty Suit­ors
  • This War of Mine: Final Cut
  • Those Who Remain
  • Tin Hearts
  • Titan­fall 2 (EA Play)
  • TOEM
  • Tomb Raider: Defin­i­tive Edi­tion
  • Tom Clancy’s Rain­bow Six Ghost Recon Wild­lands
  • Tom Clancy’s Rain­bow Six Siege Deluxe Edi­tion (Kon­sole)
  • Tor­ment: Tides of Numen­era
  • Total­ly Accu­rate Bat­tle Sim­u­la­tor
  • Total­ly Reli­able Deliv­ery Ser­vice
  • Tower­borne (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Trail­mak­ers
  • Train Sim World 4
  • Tunic
  • Tur­bo Golf Rac­ing
  • Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

Alle Spiele von U bis Z

  • UFC 4 (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Umu­ran­gi Gen­er­a­tion Spe­cial Edi­tion
  • Unpack­ing
  • Unrav­el (EA Play)
  • Unrav­el Two (EA Play)
  • Val­heim
  • Vam­pire Sur­vivors
  • Vapor­world (irgend­wann in 2024 ver­füg­bar)
  • Ven­ba
  • Viva Piña­ta (Kon­sole)
  • Viva Piña­ta: TIP (Kon­sole)
  • Warham­mer 40,000: Bolt­gun
  • Warham­mer 40,000: Dark­tide
  • Wartales
  • Waste­land Remas­tered
  • Waste­land 2: Director’s Cut
  • Waste­land 3
  • Watch Dogs 2
  • Way of the Woods (für Game Pass angekündigt, genaues Datum nicht bekan­nt)
  • We Hap­py Few
  • Weird West
  • Weird West: Defin­i­tive Edi­tion (Xbox Series X|S)
  • Wild Hearts (EA Play)
  • Win­ter Bur­row (tba)
  • While the Iron’s Hot
  • Wo Long: Fall­en Dynasty
  • Wolfen­stein: The New Order
  • Wolfen­stein: The Old Blood
  • Wolfen­stein: Young­blood
  • Wolfen­stein 2: The New Colos­sus
  • World War Z: After­math
  • Wreck­fest
  • Wuchang: Fall­en Feath­ers (tba)
  • Yakuza: Like a Drag­on
  • Yakuza 0
  • Yakuza 3 Remas­tered
  • Yakuza 4 Remas­tered
  • Yakuza 5 Remas­tered
  • Yakuza 6: Song of Life
  • Yakuza Kiwa­mi
  • Yakuza Kiwa­mi 2
  • You suck at park­ing
  • Zom­bie Army 4: Dead War
  • Zoo Tycoon: Ulti­mate Ani­mal Col­lec­tion
  • Zuma (EA Play, Kon­sole)
  • Zuma’s Revenge! (EA Play, Kon­sole)

Game Pass Core: Alle Spiele im Überblick

Im Game Pass Core sollen laut offizieller Web­seite über 25 Spiele enthal­ten sein. Aktuell lis­tet Microsoft dort diverse Titel auf, weist aber auch auf eventuelle regionale oder zeitliche Ein­schränkun­gen hin.

Das neue Game-Pass-Abon­nement ste­ht seit dem 14. Sep­tem­ber 2023 zur Ver­fü­gung und bietet eine Rei­he inter­es­san­ter Vorzüge sowie zeit­lose Spiele. In einem sep­a­rat­en Artikel ver­rat­en wir Dir, welche Vorteile das sind und wie teuer der Game Pass Core ist.

  • Among Us
  • Astroneer
  • Celeste
  • Chival­ry 2
  • Dead Cells
  • Deep Rock Galac­tic
  • Descen­ders
  • Dis­hon­ored 2
  • DOOM Eter­nal Stan­dard Edi­tion
  • Fable Anniver­sary
  • Fall­out 4
  • Fall­out 76
  • Fire­watch
  • Forza Hori­zon 4 Stan­dard Edi­tion
  • Gang Beasts
  • Gears 5 Game of the Year Edi­tion
  • Golf with your Friends
  • Ground­ed
  • Halo 5: Guardians
  • Halo Wars 2: Stan­dard Edi­tion
  • Hell­blade: Senua’s Sac­ri­fice
  • Human Fall Flat
  • Ori & the Will of the Wisps
  • Over­cooked! 2
  • Pay­day 2: Crime­wave Edi­tion
  • Pow­er­wash Sim­u­la­tor
  • Psy­cho­nauts 2
  • Slay the Spire
  • Spir­it­far­er: Farewell Edi­tion
  • Stardew Val­ley
  • State of Decay 2: Jug­ger­naut Edi­tion
  • Super­hot: Mind Con­trol Delete
  • Super­lim­i­nal
  • The Elder Scrolls Online
  • Teenage Mutant Nin­ja Tur­tles: Shredder’s Revenge
  • Total­ly Reli­able Deliv­ery Ser­vice
  • Unpack­ing
  • Vam­pire Sur­vivors
  • Wreck­fest

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